The Money Economy

The Money Economy

Jamila Muradasilova

We want money!

That is our goal, our idea, our desire, our daily life problems, our dream, our sense of satisfaction, our sense of lost opportunity and may be even our ultimate wish to have complete life satisfaction. This book is looking to money as a tool that opened new era of economic cycle. It is no longer ‘market economy’, it is ‘money economy’ where in center is standing only one conception, to have money.

Jamila shares some observations and ideas about ‘money economy’ that we are coming across everyday whilst living in a period of the most sophisticated social relationship that humanity have ever had. It is the beginning of era of unlimited opportunities thanks to money which is bringing this opportunity for anyone who has them. We do not have more efficient alternative to money economy, we have never had anything better than money economy model and the next generations will be grateful to us for bringing money into the core of life.

Read an excerpt here!

The Money Economy is available in paperback!